Algae- Potential Revolutionizer Of The World
Water bodies, swamps, slippery footpaths, sewers, etc. all are generally laden with green, slimy growth of algae. Such sites usually remain ignored, and perhaps most of the time algae are eradicated to clean the habitats. Why algae are important? How they evolved? What is their role in nature and why even existed throughout billions of evolutionary years? Many questions are there in curious minds. However, algae had played a significant role in developing the earth’s environment to make it suitable for all living creatures. Nevertheless, they are still doing it.

Algae evolved around 3.5 billion years ago as single-cell autotropic creatures, with the ability to synthesize organic food from inorganic resources. Then it colonized all over the earth and even evolved into the varieties of terrestrial plants we see today. During their colonization, they produced a lot of oxygen that paved the way for the evolution of higher organisms. The oxygen produced was the key component that gave the earth its Ozon layer. Further, it protected all the creatures that evolved after it from lethal sunrays.
What are algae and their types?
Algae originated as a single-cell photosynthetic organism, furthermore evolved to form diverse groups of micro and macro species. Their varieties flourished all over the globe in diversified geographical locations. That includes deep sea, hot water springs, soil, deserted locations, ice glaciers to mountain tops. They thrive in marine as well as freshwater in numerous morphological forms. They are classified as Macroalgae and Microalgae. Macro forms include all the seaweed species that grow very large from a few centimeters to several meters and which are eukaryotic. While microalgae are unicellular or multicellular and prokaryotic as well as eukaryotic. The Department of Botany, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, has given the following divisions of algae classifications.
Bacillariophyta (diatoms),
Charophyta (stoneworts),
Chlorophyta (green),
Chrysophyta (golden),
Cyanobacteria (blue-green),
Dinophyta (dinoflagellates),
Phaeophyta (brown),
and Rhodophyta (red),

Human interference in nature’s course
Algae play a major role in sequestering environmental pollutants and maintains the balance in global ecosystems. However, their importance was never recognized until this era of global warming. In the last four centuries, industrialization led to the haphazard utilization of natural resources along with fossil fuels. This liberated tremendous anthropogenic carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases into the environment, which is now a consequence of global warming. The human population failed to limit their desires and never participated significantly to play their role in environmental conservation. Moreover, this has given rise to more complex issues including climate change. Global crises related to freshwater scarcity, food and nutritional security, and breaking the deadliest pandemics are some of those.
Multiple options are put forward to deal with this scenario and comprehensive research is being undertaken to tackle the issues. But, none of it has provided the potential permeant solution. World environmentalists, researchers, public leaders, and economists are working on finding alternative options for sustainable development. Sustainability solutions promise to bring some balance to the above-mentioned world scenario.
How algae will help?
Algal Exploitation has been made for many centuries for a variety of applications for mankind. Oceans are primary in carbon sequestration and algae play a key role in it. Algae-based CO2 sequestration on an industrial scale has proven to be one of the promising ways to deal with climate change. Apart from this, algae are known for their potential applications in wastewater treatment, food, feed and fodder, biofuels, nutraceuticals, biofertilizers, and pharmaceuticals. This has led to the development of the algal biorefinery concept for biofuel and bio-commodity. Successful implementation of this technology will be a remarkable milestone in the process of overcoming many current global issues. Natural selection always defines the fate of any era. Algae thrived in all, supporting another life form all the way. Hence, algae are nature’s potential key players. Man has an opportunity to sustain and revolutionize his future with the help of algae.